Pre-PDWP (Provincial Development Working Party) meeting was held under the chairmanship of Chief Economist Mr. Tabassum Ahmed Khilji to discuss the development of the Sports Complex in Pishin. The meeting was attended by Director Development Quetta, along with others...
The Pre-PDWP meeting on the Health Sector, chaired by Chief Economist Balochistan, Mr. Tabassum Ahmed Khilji, was attended by Chief of Section (Health), Mr. Arif Baloch.
The Pre-PDWP meeting on the Health Sector, held on September 18, 2024, was chaired by Mr. Tabassum Ahmed Khilji, the Chief Economist of Balochistan. This meeting served as a preparatory step to refine and perfect health sector projects before presenting them to the...
Meeting of the (PDWP) under the chairmanship of ACS (Dev:), Hafiz Abdul Basit, to deliberate on Federal projects.
The Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) convened a meeting on September 18, 2024, under the leadership of the Additional Chief Secretary (Development), Hafiz Abdul Basit. The primary focus of the meeting was to review and deliberate upon several key federal...
PDWP Meeting on Revised PC-I for PHE Sector Chaired by ACS (DEV:) Hafiz Abdul Basit.
A PDWP (Provincial Development Working Party) meeting focused on the Public Health Engineering (PHE) sector was held, chaired by the Additional Chief Secretary (Development). The meeting was attended by the Chief Economist and the Secretary of Public Health...
PDWP Meeting on Road Sector Chaired by ACS (DEV:) Hafiz Abdul Basit.
A PDWP (Provincial Development Working Party) meeting focused on the road sector was held, chaired by the Additional Chief Secretary (Development). The meeting was attended by the Chief of Section Roads and the Secretary of Communications, Works, Physical Planning,...
Pre-PSC Meeting Chaired by Secretary Planning to Review Foreign-Funded Projects
On September 12, 2024, a Pre-Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting was held, chaired by the Secretary Planning, to review the agenda and preparations for upcoming project evaluations. The meeting was attended by key officials, including the Chief of Foreign Aid and...
BRSP CEO Briefs Secretary Planning on New Development Initiatives in Balochistan under Chief Minister’s Directives
On September 12, 2024, Tahir Rasheed, CEO of the Balochistan Rural Support Program (BRSP), provided a comprehensive briefing to the Secretary Planning on several new initiatives being undertaken in Balochistan, as directed by the Chief Minister of Balochistan. The...
Review of Foreign Funded Projects by Secretary Planning in the P&DD on 12.09.2024.
On September 12, 2024, the Secretary Planning chaired a meeting in the Planning and Development Department (P&DD) to review the progress of foreign-funded projects. The meeting was attended by key officials, including the Chief of Section Foreign Aid, along with...
PDWP meeting regarding Procurement of Six Number Patrolling Boats for Fisheries Officials
The PDWP (Provincial Development Working Party) convened a meeting under the chairmanship of ACS(DEV:) to discuss the procurement of six new patrolling boats for fisheries officials. This initiative is aimed at strengthening the monitoring and enforcement capabilities...
Meeting on promotion of APS to PS (BPS17) in BOS P&D department on 12.09.2024
A meeting was held on September 12, 2024, in the P&D Department to discuss the promotion of APS (Assistant Private Secretary) to PS (Private Secretary) in BPS-16 within the Bureau of Statistics (BOS). The meeting was chaired by the Secretary (Planning) P&DD,...